Winter Kicksledding Events 2024 Twin Cities Minnesota– Try a Kicksled!
Come try out a kicksled at these great winter events in January and February around the Twin Cities with Brave The Snow:
Ice Harvesting Day at Richardson Nature Center–Bloomington, Minnesota
Sat., Jan. 20, 2023. 10AM - 2PM. FREE
Lots to do:
- Try a kicksled with Brave The Snow
- Experience the adventures of Minnesota’s hardy ice harvesters. Cut blocks of ice out of the pond with a vintage ice saw and pull an antique ice plow. Weigh blocks of ice, use chipping tools and make ice cubes.
- Throw a snow snake.
- Watch an ice rescue demonstration by Bloomington Fire and Rescue.
- Keep warm by a campfire.
- Discover food preservation techniques with historical interpreters from The Landing and hear stories from ice harvesting historians.
This is a great event for families, grandparents and all people looking for a unique way to celebrate Minnesota winters. Drop-ins welcome.
Richardson Nature Center
8737 East Bush Lake Road
Bloomington, MN 55438
More info event info here
Art Shanty Projects/Minneapolis Kite Fest
January 27th, from 11AM-4PM FREE
One of the most Art-tastic events of the winter! Come check out the art shanties on the lake and try kicksledding! Art Shanty Projects takes place in Minneapolis on Bde Unma / Lake Harriet for 4 weekend. Brave the Snow will be there on January 27th, from 11AM-4PM. We will have our fleet of kicksleds ready so you can cruise the lake and checkout the shanties!
Brave The Snow is also excited to announce that we will have 3 super special art kicksleds for you try at The Shanties this winter! Three kicksleds have been transformed into works of arts by an artist duo team. We can't wait to see the sleds and give them a ride!
Also, on January 27 the Lake Harriet Winter Kite Festival (12-4PM, same location) will be taking place simultaneously near the shanties!
The festival is on the frozen lake on the northwest corner of Bde Unma / Lake Harriet. Check out Art Shanty Projects for more info on parking etc.
Buffalo Kite Fest 2023 – Buffalo, Minnesota
February 10, 2024 from 11AM-3PM FREE
Join us Saturday, February 10, 2024 to try out a kicksled from 11-3 pm in Buffalo, Minnesota! Located about 20 minutes west of Minneapolis, it is well worth the drive to see the awesome giant kites fly the winter sky on the frozen Buffalo Lake. The event takes place around Sturges Park in Downtown Buffalo, Minnesota. Brave the Snow will be at the event with lots of kicksleds for you to try!
Bring the kids! Bring an appetite - event includes food trucks, beer garden, hot chocolate and treats.
List of Fun Stuff:
Kicksledding with Brave The Snow (free)
Fly your own kite (free)
Ice Skating Area
Dog Sled Rides (free)
Free kites for kids (while supplies last)
Beer garden
Cornhole tournaments